Danish Open GO Championship 2020

16th - 18th October 2020

Sønderparkvej 25B, DK-4100 Ringsted.

New address

See map


Friday, October 16
10:00 - 10:30 Registration.
10:30 Welcome, practical information, and election of tournament committee.
10:45 First round
14:45 Second round

Saturday, October 17
10:00 Third round
14:30 Fourth round
19:00 Delegate meetinge

Sunday, October 10
10:00 Fifth round
14:15 Sixth round
18:00 Awards.

Tournament Rules

Six rounds of McMahon-turnering. system tournament. Planning with Gerlach's program.

Each player will have at least 15 minutes break between each round.

Japanese Rules and 6½ komi.

Thinking time is 90 minuts + byoyomi 20 moves/10 min.

Players in the top group cannot win usual prizes. They will be playing for a journey to the World Amateur Go Championships.

Strict rules of silence must be oserved in the tournament room during a round. All mobile phones must be on quiet function.


There will be Awards to all kyu players with at least 5 wins.

The top-8 Danish players will recieve WM-points

The winner becomes The Danish Champion 2020.

Best placed player under 20 years of age becomes The U20 Danish Campion.

All players can join a lottery for a 40€ worth voucher at Nordic Go Dojo.

Additional awars sponsored by Hyggeonkel and Cafe Vivaldi.

Use of telephones, cameras and other IT equipment

It is only allowed to take situation pictures of games, players, spectators, and participation during the planned games. It is not allowed to take photos of other activities.

During play it is not permitted to use any aids assisting with moves, or evaluating a board position. This means no help from AI, other players, or books. However, it is allowed to receive help from the tournament committee concerning rules.

It is allowed to use electronic device for notation of games. In this case it is one's own responsibility that the screen is visible for the opponent, eliminating any doubt of cheat.


Registration is possible by sending an e-mail to DM2020@ringsted-go-klub.dk with information of name, address, club and rating where appropriate, and requirements of overnight accommodation.

The tournament fee can be paid to account number 5319 241149, Arbejdernes Landsbank.

Registration and payment must be made before 10:45 Monday 28th September.

The tournament is open for everybody.

Danish participants must be members of the Danish Go Association (DGF). If one is not already a member, this can be arranged during registration.

Tournament Fee

Kyu players: 100,- DDK
Dan-players 200,- DDK .

If a dan player is not included in the top group, this player will receive a reimbursement of 100,- DDK. Likewise if a kyu player comes in the top group, he'll be charged extra 100 DDK.

If you registrate early, you will get information about eventual changes on the e-mail you gave, when you made your registration.

Overnight accommodation

Class rooms are available under the duration of the tourament, free of charge.


This Tournament held during COVID-19 and some precautions are put in action to prevent spreding of the virus.

Please read this: covid-september-19th-DM.en.


Tournament leaders

Torben Pedersen, KGoK, will be responsible for drawing of lots and registration of results.

Nicolai Ryge, RGK, will be responsible for the rest.

Before the tournament comences, the tournament leaders may decide if some of the less experienced players should receive a handicap.


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