Go er en tankesport og stammer fra Kina og er formentlig verdens ældste brætspil, hvor reglerne ikke har forandret sig gennem 2000 år.
Her på Ringsted Go Klubs hjemmeside kan du finde information om klubben og Go generelt.
Spil Go i Ringsted Go Klub
Vi mødes lørdage kl. 14:30 - 18 på Cafe Vivalidi, Sct. Hansgade 18, 4100 Ringsted.
Læs mere om klubben under Klubben/Voksne, hvor du også finder link til at tilmelde dig de enkelte arrangementer.
Klubben dækker geografisk hele Midtsjælland, Vestsjælland og Sydsjælland og alle er velkomne uanset erfaring.
Er du under 16 år?
Vi har en ungdomsklub, som spiller torsdage kl. 16 - 18 på Dagmarskolen lokale 35 i Ringsted.
Du kan læse mere om klubben under Klubben/Børn og unge.
18. maj 2021
Klubmøder i Ringsted Go Klub
Hermed klubdage for resten af året, hvor jeg håber så mange som muligt kan deltage. I hvert fald har jeg booket dem i min kalender :)
Bestyrelsen (Nicolai og jeg) arbejder stadig med at få 2023 regnskabet på plads og styr på banken. Men vi mangler stadig at få opgjort de sidste aktiver, som vi håber det snarest kommer på plads.
Desværre har foreningens bank indført et nyt eller større håndteringsgebyr, så klubben skal betale 100 kr om måneden for at "håndtere" vores forening. Det betyder, at vi faktisk skal have 4 medlemmer alene for at betale denne udgift. Så vi er i store økonomiske vanskeligheder med det nuværende medlemstal og vores udgifter. Det må vi gøre noget ved, så har i idéer, så kom til vores klubmøde den 16. november.
Jeg håber vi får gang i nogle gode initiativer og er kreative, så klubben kan vokse i 2025.
Hilsen Henrik, 25. October
Go Tournament
The China Cultural Center in Copenhagen is hosting a one-day handicap tournament on November 23. We hope to see many of you there! http://www.kgok.dk/inv/ccc24ie.html
17. October
The European Students Go Championship 2025
The European Students Go Championship 2025 will be held at the university of Luxembourg. The Winners of the Championship will be invited to the OZA tournament in Japan in 2026.
The Championship will be accompanied by an open tournament to which we particularly invite students in Europe who are not qualified for the official Championship.
The Championship will take place from Wednesday, September 17
to Friday, September 19, 2025, details will be published by the end of the year.The website is already online https://info.go361.eu/wiki/ESGC-2025
Unfortunately there is no mailing list for the students in Europe, so I hope that this mail will somehow reach everyone. If you want to receive the next e-mail with the details directly, just send me an e-mail to weiqi.wilhelm@gmail.com and I'll set up a private mailing list for this event.
17. October
Klubdag den 12 oktobler
Der var stadig mange som ikke kom, men vi fik spillet en del go.
12. October
Open da Maia 2024
t's time to book your flights to Porto! With about a month to go, it's the perfect time to sign up for the Open da Maia 2024, held on November 09-10.
Participants and more info in https://go-portugal.org/2024/09/open-da-maia-2024-pt-en/
19. October
8th Go tournament in Celebration of Velika Gorica City Day 2024
We cordially invite all GO players to the 8th Go tournament to celebrate Velika Gorica City Day 2024, which will take place on December 14 and 15, 2024. The tournament is endowed with prize money, and since Velika Gorica is only a short distance from Zagreb and hosts the city's international airport, it is easy to reach, especially for international players.
We welcome all interested participants! More details can be found on our official website: https://gkvg.hr/.
We look forward to seeing you in Velika Gorica!
Karlo Vlahović 1d,Croatia
1. October
Først offielle klubdag efter sommerferien.
Dagen blev desværre præget af den del aflysninger, men vi kom da nogle, og vi fik spillet en den go.
Godt det samme. Nicolai havde teget et af vores spil med sig, så der nu er således at der er 6 mennesker, der kan spille go samtidigt. Vivaldi havde fået en ny bestyrer, som vi også fik hist på, og hilst på den nye bestyre, og fik fornyet aftalen med Vivaldi. Således blev spillene på Vivaldi.
Der blev også talt op, så vi ved, hvad der ligger der på Cafe Vivaldi nu. Resten af go-klubbens ting mangler stadig at blive talt op.
Nicolai vil holde øje med tilmeldinger til den 12. oktobler, og vil sørge for transport af flere spil, hvis vi forhåbentlig blever flere fremmødte. Derfor meld jeg til i god tid, så der kan arrageres transport af flere spil, hvis det skulle bleve nødvendigt.
29, September
Foreløbig kalender for hvornår vi spiller go i RGK frem til efterårsferien er kommet
Vi har efter rekonstruktionen findet nogle dage, hvor vi mener at kunne holde klubben åben. Dermed er det ikke sagt at vo ikke kan lave klubdage andre dag, men disse skulle være sikre dage.
28. August
GO camp in Zaostrog
we are approaching another traditional GO camp in Zaostrog, which will take place from August 17 to August 24. This is already the 6th GO camp in Zaostrog, so the expert team is already trained in everything and the camp is complex to perfection, with separate time for fun, go lessons, games and other fun go activities. And the prices are affordable.
For more information:https://seygo.hgos.hr/
Please register as soon as possible and we look forward to your arrival
10. juni, Karlo Vlahović, 1 d
China Town — Weiqi Cup
We are pleased to invite the Go players community to the 4rd "China Town" Weiqi Cup, which will take place in Warsaw, Poland on October 12-13, 2024. It is the largest open tournament in Europe in 2024 in terms on pool prize: 12 000 EUR!
Last year's edition of the China Town tournament gathered more than 175 players from 19 countries. We hope that together with you we will be able to repeat this success and we will meet again at our tournament in Warsaw (more at https://www.eurogofed.org/index.html?id=404 and video report at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0U5QfLKgGE). The prize pool includes 3000 EUR for 1st place for EGF Passport player. The sum of prizes in the TOP10 is 9200 EUR. There are also financial prizes for all level of players, for juniors, for winning 5 and 4 games and a special prize pool for top 3 the best tournament debutants - 300 EUR. Our tournament is the perfect place for a debut!
Learn more at https://roundsboard.com/tournaments/4th-china-town-weiqi-cup/
3. maj
Hungarian Grand Prix
The Hungarian Grand Prix will be held in Budapest between 1st and 2nd of June.
Details, registration, registered players can be found here: https://goszovetseg.hu/?page=competition&mode=readid&compid=1019
Laszlo Boviz, Hungarian Go Association 23. maj
Summer GO Camp
Date: July 4 - 7, 2024
Venue: "Vila Baluošas" farmstead in the village of Čistabora, Molėtai district, by the beautiful lake
Main event: Summer CUP (2 days, A-class tournament)
Side events: Blitz, Rengo, and Volleyball tournaments
For more detailed information, please visit our website at https://www.lga.lt/en/summer-go-camp-2024 or find us on Facebook (https://fb.me/e/52AKmz4Ue).
Please don't hesitate to contact us at info@lga.lt if you have any questions or need additional details.
Lithuanian GO Association, Tomas Sabirovas, 6. maj
Siden med link til hvor man kan finde go online er nu opdateret.
Umiddelbart før COVID-19 ramte i 2020 besluttede Ringsted Go Klub, at vi skal have en side med link til sider, hvor man kan finde diverse ting om go på internettet til brug for både nye og gamle medlemmer.
Siden blev aldrig færdig, og endte med at blive en rodebutik, der ikke kunne bruges til noget som helst. Nu er der ryddet op i det rod, og de forskellige link er Organizes efter emne.
Håber at den nye hjemmeside vil være mere til gavn for nye såvel som gamle medlemmer at Ringsted Go Klub.
3. maj
European Women Go Championship
September 14-15, 2024
Special Guest: Lukáš Podpera, 7D
The championship aims to showcase the remarkable talents of female Go players across Europe and provide a platform for competitors to engage in high-level play. It will also offer a wonderful opportunity for players and enthusiasts to connect, share experiences, and celebrate the spirit of Go.
We would be delighted if members of your federation could join us for this event. Please find attached a leaflet with brief details (QR codes for website and registration).
We encourage early registration to secure participation.
Further information (registration link included) may be found directly on https://ewgc.sago.sk. Provided that you have other inquiries, do not hesitate to contact us on:
Barbora Lukacova – barb.lukacova@gmail.com
Zuzana Kralikova – zuzanka.kralikova@gmail.com
Martin Lukac – slovakgo@gmail.com
Thank you for considering this invitation. We look forward to the possibility of welcoming your federation’s representatives to Bratislava.
Sidste turnering i John Nielsen Online Grand Prix er gået i gang, og kan følges på discord, samtidigt er vi i gang med at med at forberede endnu en sæson af JNOGP til næste år.
Til næste år planlægge vi at lave et grand prix på 3 turneringer af 5 runder i stedet for de sædvanlige 4 turneringer af 4 runder, så følg med på discord og hjemmesiden for JNOGP 24/25, så du kan være med fra start til somme lige efter sommerferien.
Under arbejdet med at planlægge turneringer for næste sæson har jeg opdaget at folk tror at John Nielsen er en racerkøre og ikke den John Nielsen, som vi ælskede og kendte som statestiker, og opfinderen af mange af de ekementer, vi anvender i go-turneringer – ikke bare i Danmark men i hele verden.
Johns beskedenhed, som vi alle holdt af, gør, at der næsten ingen ting er nævnt om John Nielsen, og han fået ikke en gang æren for at have opfundet, hverken canatisk bayomi eller the dansh rating system, som vi ved han rent faktisk har opfundet. Der ligger en opgave for nogen, der vi lave en biografi om ham.
30. april
Lisbon Open 2024
It's time to book your flights to Lisbon! (June 15-16)
We're already more than 20 players registered to enjoy the Lisbon Open 2024, held on June 15-16.
More info and participant list: http://go-portugal.org/2024/03/open-de-lisboa-2024-pt-en/
Sign-up form: https://forms.gle/oJBvtvPPc2SC6yTUA
30. april
Oslo Open 2024
The invitation for Oslo Open 2024 is now out, please send the invitation out to your members.
the invitation is: https://www.goinorge.no/2024/03/28/oslo-open-2024/
1. april
25th European PairGo Championships
To be held in Dubrovnik from 19-21 April 2024 (arrival day: 18th April 2024).
The event is congress-hall-salocha at the EGF Calendar for a long time and we have 10 pairs already registered:
https://hgos.hr/list-of-registered-pairs/The venue is the excellent congress hall of the Akademis Academia. The place has been opened in 2020 providing very good quality accommodation with a special discount for go players.
We reserved 30 rooms, available on the"first come first served basis". The participants are advised to register before March 19, 2024, avoiding the increase of participation fee (20 EUR per player before March 19, 30 EUR per player after March 19), more expensive flights and troubles finding appropriate accommodation in Dubrovnik.
As of 1st April, the season begins with more flights connecting Dubrovnik with many European cities, but we do not expect the old town to be over-crowded like it is usually the case in June, July and August.
28. februar
Endelig dagsorden til generalforsamling er ude
Generalforsamling den 2. marts
Den enelige dagsorden og urevideret regnskab for generalforsamlingen kan nu ses på http://rgk.nicolairyge.dk/RGK/Historie/generalforsamlinger.html.
23. februar
Saturday 6th april 2024 9:00h. “La Carbonería“ C/ Céspedes 21A SEVILLE-SPAIN Organizes:
Andalusian Go Association (AGOA)
Collaborates: Diputación de Sevilla, La Carbonería Go Club, Spanish Go Association (AEGO), Seville Go Association (ASEGO).
more information: XXV Seville Go Tournament 2024
goandalucia @ gmail.com
23. februar
Osaka camp
This year the Osaka camp will change to a new place!
The website is http://www.osakago.com, the registration is already open.
Could you please inform your Go community and Go friends about the event? Thank you in advance!
Looking forward to seeing more players from your country in Japan!
21. februar
Nordic Championship 2024
Your are welcome to participate the Nordic Championship 2024 in Helsinki. For more information see https://www.suomigo.net/wiki/PM2024 .
21. februar
Dutch open
This year the Dutch open will be played in the centre of the city of Groningen.
The Dutch open 2024 is a level B tournament but of course we welcome players of all strengths equally.
More info and registration : dutchopen.eu
Venue: LABnul50 : labnul50.nl
Accommodation: We have pre booked a number of rooms and beds in hostels and guesthouses, prices from € 36,00 per night p.p.
Please contact toernoodirecteur@gobond.nl for more information and reservations.
21. februar
EYGC 2024
16 and 17 March we organise a local tournament the "Mausefalle"
Look here for more information https://mausefalle.go-turniere.de/.
Parallel to this tournament the German Championship Go for Females will take place.
From the 18th of March to the 20th of March we organise a seminar for youth players.
On the 20th of March the EYGC will start.
Also the European Pro Go Championship will be held from the 20th of March to the 23th of March.
During all events Top players will be available for questions and game analyses.
In the school sleeping places for 5€ will be available if you bring your own sleeping bag and mattress.
10. februar
Klubdag i morgen aflyst
Der har kun været en tilmelding og et afbud, så Klubdagen er aflyst.
19. januar
Generalforsamlingen er flyttet
Generalforsamling er 2. marts.
Genneralforsamlingen var blevet planlagt samtidigt med Ambassador's Cup, så derfor er generalforsamlingen flyttet til den 3. marts.
14. januar
Ambassador's Cup 2024
3-4. februar
I inviteres hermed til Ambassador's Cup 2024. 3-4. februar.
1. januar
Godt nytår
Som sædvanligt ligger nyhederne fra 2023 og kalenderen fra 2023 i arkivet.
Glædelig nytår!
1. januar
Generalforsamling 2024
Lørdag den 3. februar 2024 kl. 14:30 – 18
Indkaldelse og bilag kan findes på https://rgok.dk/RGK/Historie/generalforsamlinger.html
19. december 2023
Kani 6 - Rabbity Six 2024
which is this year part of European Grand Prix Bonus C.
Hope to see you there and many players from your go federations. We would appreciate if you can share information about this event.
Registration and further information can be found here: https://www.suomigo.net/wiki/Kani6%202024
Olli Ervelä, Kanpai, 19. december 2023
Winter Go Festival
5th edition in Vatra Dornei
8. december 2023
TIGGRE - Ellie Cup International Tournament
In Grenoble, on 27 and 28 January 2024
More information: https://tiggre-elliecup.jeudego.org/
Articles in 3 chapters written by Milena Bocle about these two events can be found on the EGF website: https://www.eurogofed.org/index.html?p=3&cat_id=&editor_id=&search= (Mountain go proverb: “Go is like snowboard that is like life: tough.”)
8. december 2023
The Go&Ski Winter Camp
Will take place in Vaujany, in the Alps close to Grenoble, from 20 to 27 January 2024
For more information: https://stage-go-ski.jeudego.org
8. december 2023